Tuesday 3 December 2013

Mandela...the best we never had

Yesterday was the 5th December 2013 and the day we lost Mr Nelson Mandela. He died at the age of 95 after a long battle with a lung infection and increasingly frail health. He left this world quietly, peacefully and the world broke out in response. The world is mourning a great man, and generations to come forever will do so. Rest in peace Mandela.
There is a popular quote that says, ' when you were born you cried and the world rejoiced, live your life in such a way that the when you die the world will cry and you rejoice'. Beautiful. Nelson Mandela embodied this quote, probably moreso than any person in recent history. What has made his death more poignant for me at the moment was a birthday wish which I just saw printed in the Punch newspaper for Ibrahim Gbadamosi Babangida on the 17th August 2013, the page was taken our by Alhaji Arisekola Alao on the formers 72 year old birthday. The feliticitations started off saluting an icon, loved by everyone, firm and just, who had done soooo much for Nigeria. The most notable of these achievements as listed in the congratulatory address was the building of the Third Mainland Bridge, and I quote, 'who knows where Nigeria would have been if this bridge had not been built'. I was shocked. Essentially Alhaji Alao was trying to say that building a link bridge (yes it might be the longest in West Africa but that's not an achievement, considering all our neighbours are poorer and as corrupt as we are)entitled dear old Babangida to claim a place in the annals of history as one of the best leaders ever. Luckily, history isn't so kind to liars and thieves.
A bridge as a noteworthy contribution to a nation's development is simply absurd. I won't bore you with a history lesson but Babangida's time as a military dictator was the straw that shattered the camel's back into millions of unrecognisable pieces. He introduced a culture of nepotism, bribery and corruption which is so rooted in governance today. Our schools, hospitals, roads, values, security and well being were eroded under his watch. We had little debt before Babangida came on the scene, now our finances as a country are in free fall. I say this and I know it to be true, Babangida single handedly ruined this country and paved the way for his successors like Obasanjo and Jonathan to finish stripping off the carcass of the dying animal that is Nigeria. I would so love to talk about the money stolen under his dictatorship, the billions of dollars, but we have heard it all before. Eventually, the more we talk about it the more we forget and as has become the case, one more '0' in the $230000000 starts to lose its meaning.
Shortly after Mandela's death was announced, the foreign news reported that flags at the Royal residence, Downing street and the White House would fly at half mast today for Mandela. Undoubtedly he will be given a state funeral where 99% of the world leaders that count as well as 100% of those that don't count will be in attendance. Most likely, dull Jonathan and frumpy Patience will be there perhaps trying not to appear too intimidated by the dignitaries and the outpouring of love on that day. It will be hard not to look intimidated when a single one of the countries gathered (no guesses which that may be) can blow Nigeria off the map. I wonder how they will feel when they see how Mandela was respected and loved, knowing fully well that if they were both reborn 50 times over again they could never hope to get the same affection. I hope that day will be a sobering lesson.to some our African leaders. I know quite a few will be unable to understand what I am trying to say, if they haven't after all this time its probably too late. The question is what legacy will they leave behind? Dr Doyin Okupe might try and deceive himself that Jonathan is Nigeria's Mandela...well, this is not the first time he has come out with such a delusion so I needn't say any more. I know for Babangida, his only legitimate legacy is the Third Mainland Bridge, and as far as legacies goes that's a very irrelevant one indeed.
Mandela only ruled for 5 years before stepping down as agreed beforehand. Shockingly enough there are still some African leaders that have been ruling for the past 33 years. Our own dear Obasanjo once asked Mandela why he stepped down, to which he (Mandela) referred to his advanced years. The fact that Obasanjo had to ask that question, as if it was inconceivable for him to fathom why anyone would do that, shows the kind of leaders we have had so far. If Obasanjo was in that same position we know he would have ruled and only stepped aside when he absolutely had to. We all know how he tried to come back for a third term and when that was unsuccessful, how he hand-picked his successor Yar'ardua. This is wh6y when Obasanjo finally goes the way of his ancestors state media will devote some days of mourning, foreign media will devote a paragraph and world leaders of the most powerful nations will record one or two lines of condoling messages. You see,Mandela embodied a true son of God, compassionate, honest, just, fearless, courageous, loving and most of all forgiving. The leaders of Nigeria have all exemplified the opposite,liars, thieves,  hateful creatures full of hatred and if you don't agree with them then expect a visit from hired assassins. They make contradictory policies which are totally immune to the sufferings of the masses. They6 steal our money and pay lip service to fighting corruption. They throw our differences against us and use it to divide us. Whatever they say must be taken with a pinch of maggi. They do not care about us at all.
This article is about the Nigerian problems and the South African hope. South Africa with decades of hatred and brutality has managed to pull itself out of the festering pit of social ills and produce a man whose legacy is enduring. Nigeria can do it too but we need to get rid of all the dead weights in our governance framework. It will require honesty, soul searching, unity and courage, for 2015 is coming and it will be our last chance for a while. The Jonathan's, Obasanjo's, Buhari's and the Tinubu's need to be checked and tested. Nigerians lets make sure we are not swayed by sentiment or desperation or poverty or fear, lets choose wisely, a man that is wholly for this country not half and half. We Nigerians should not be moved by handouts, amala politics, a bag of rice during election campaigns or the promise of N10,000 for votes. There is nothing sweeter than rewards gotten from hard work as opposed to handouts. The only free and good gifts come from God, any other gift is always conditional.
Do not be swayed by the evil ones, do not be lured by the promises of evil. There are some that will read this article and ignore, I am writing for those that will read and be moved. Take a stance and interest in Nigeria's governance for example, compile the list of local government, state government and federal government projects that you are aware of, or were launched in your area. With your first hand knowledge report on the goals of these projects, whether any work been done, how much was reportedly spent on the contracts, who are the contractors, take pictures and spread the word on sites like Nairaland. Our leaders should be held accountable and as we gradually hold them accountable then we will also gradually begin to see a difference. We should not sell our birthright as Nigerians for a plate of amala. May God help us as we take back what is rightfully ours. South Africa fought and although they are not perfect they are miles better than we are.
As the world continues to mourn Mandela and rejoices for a life well lived, we Nigerians are condemned to wait a little longer for our human saviour trusting that nothing last forever and a brighter tomorrow will come, so help us God. Amen.